Friday, February 14, 2014

Day 34 (February 13, 2014)

Today I'm thankful for feeling well.  I'm really starting to feel a lot better, and am super thankful for that.  My head still feels full of gunk, but I'm not as uncomfortable as I was, and the best part is I can sleep all night long!!!!  Yeah for feeling well and sleeping well!

Day 33 (February 12, 2014)

Today I'm thankful for Bob the Builder.  I know this might sound crazy, but I'm trying to get Anna to be slightly interested in TV.  I'm still feeling sluggish, and I need a non-active activity to do with Anna. Luckily Bob the Builder caught her attention long enough for me to catch my breath.

Day 32 (February 11, 2014)

Today I'm thankful for Megan Kean.  With her help I spent the entire morning at the YMCA where Anna was very content, and I could relax a bit.  I'm still feeling pretty rough, but Anna had gym class this morning, then Megan took Anna with her to swim in the indoor pool while I sat on the sidelines and watched.  After swimming it was back in the gym for some more play time before heading home for an afternoon nap for both Anna and myself.  I don't know if Anna and I would have had a good morning at home.  It would have been quite a challenge for me to entertain her while feeling the way I did.

Day 31 (February 10, 2014)

Today I'm thankful for Anna's health and her pediatrician.  I bumped Anna's 18month appt. up to today because I was a bit concerned she wasn't feeling very good.  I think it was the fact that I felt sick that made me concerned.  Anyway, Anna was perfectly healthy.  She even weighed 21lbs!!!  I didn't think she was ever going to make it to the 20's.  Dr. Whitson was soooo nice while we were there and checked out my ears too.  Come to find out I was the one leaving that appointment with a double ear infection and thankfully a prescription for an antibiotic.  THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH DR. WHITSON!!!!!  Taking care of a toddler while you are sick is no joke, neither are double ear infections.  OUCH!!!

Day 30 (February 9, 2014)

Today I'm thankful for Valentine's Day dinner at Grandma and Grandpa Muller's house.  This is a special family meal each year to me because Valentine's Day dinner was the first Muller family dinner I attended when John and I started dating.  I was a bit nervous because John's family is a little more formal that what I was used to, but his family was soooo nice to me.  I'll always remember that first Muller family dinner.  Fun memories!!!

Day 29 (February 8, 2014)

Today I'm thankful that John is home again.  I'm not feeling well at all, and he is being a rockstar dad and husband.  He has gotten quite a few things done around the house and kept Anna entertained so I could get a little R and R on the chair.  Being sick is a bummer, but he is helping a ton!

Day 28 (February 7, 2014)

Today I'm thankful for John being home with us.  He decided to take a day off to hang out with Anna and I.  We had so much fun!  In the morning we went to South County YMCA open gym.  They have an entire gym full of gymnastics equipment for the kiddos to play on.  Anna had a blast, and we had fun watching her.  Later in the day we went to solidify our kitchen plans with Rob at Capitol Group.  Anna was a bit crabby and hard to keep up with, but I think we got everything in place.  I'm very excited about how our kitchen is going to look.