Friday, February 14, 2014

Day 27 (February 6, 2014)

Today I'm thankful for some super cute hand me downs.  One of the things I really love in the mornings is getting my cute little girly all dressed for the day.  It's just so fun to dress her up.  Anna (being almost 18 months) is starting to outgrown her 12 month clothing, especially pants with her big cloth diapers. Today Megan dropped off a big bag full of Ellie's old 18month clothing.  It's so much fun to get new clothes for Anna, and even better when they are free.  Anna was super excited too.  She wanted me to keep putting different items on her in the evening.  I think she went through 5 or 6 outfits just trying things out.  She must be ready for summer too, though because she kept trying on the cute summer outfits.

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