Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Party Time

My best friend since 3rd grade is getting married so I had to throw a party for her.  Although I didn't have a lot of time for party planning, I did manage to get a few small projects in for it.  Most of the projects involve wine bottles because I had plenty to spare.  As I mentioned before the hubby and I really enjoy kicking our feet up on the logs on our patio while enjoying a glass of wine.  I wanted to do something personalized even though I had a short amount of time so I went to my DIY pinterest board, and decided to do this.

Simply apply a little hot glue to the bottle.  For this party I decided to write my friend's new last name on wine bottles, then spray paint them the color of our bridesmaids dresses, which just happens to be my favorite color (navy blue).  Here's what they all looked like with the glue, but before the paint.

Ellis!  Renee Ellis doesn't that sound nice.  Side note: my best friend since 3rd grade I mentioned above also responds to the name Renee (we have the same name).  Anyway, after the paint dried (about 60sec.)  It was time to head to the ally behind our garage for some paint.  A few navy blue coats later and here is what we used a a centerpiece decoration for her wedding shower party at our house.

 It's kind of hard to see in this picture, but it really did look quite nice.  So nice that Renee wants to use them for her upcoming wedding reception.  I'm so excited she liked them, and wants to use them for her wedding!

1 comment:

  1. Renee, so cool!!!!!! I never would've guessed using a glue gun like that. I love how you painted them after so they all looked uniform, so creative!
