Saturday, October 8, 2011

Trash by the Bushel

So the hubby and I were making a lot of messes in the project room, and we quickly knew we needed a trash can in there like ASAP!  More like yesterday.  We were at Target while thinking about this, but I just couldn't buy a trash can or even a bucket to act as a trash can knowing that I wanted to repurpose/re-use as much as we could in this room.  Luckily we escaped Target without anything destined for a trash can in the new project room.  Later that weekend we were actually free, meaning we had no plans or commitments to be any place at any certain time which was quite nice for a change.  As we were driving around doing some errands we realized that one of the streets in our neighborhood was having a HUGE yard sale.  The whole 3 block street was participating and for the most part you could just walk down the ally and hit up every house from the back.  They even had Kennrick's BBQ at the midway point in the yard sale fest.  Anyway, we knew we would be able to score something to act as a trash can in that room so that was our mission.  We found a lot of neat things, but in an effort to not accumulate any clutter we stayed on track and found a really neat bushel basket for $.50.  That's right a fifty cent trash can.  It was cute, perfect size, and perfect price so we snagged it.  Like I said before I get a little excited about the things I do and sometimes forget to take before pictures which was the case here, but it was basically just a very light pine colored bushel basked in very good shape still.  To add a little character to it I broke out some navy spray paint and gave the basket a light coat.  My intention was to apply a second and third coat of paint to fully cover it, but after the first coat I really liked the way it looked so that's how it stayed.

Here's the bushel basket, I mean trash can in use.  It is hard to tell, but the navy blue is just kind of dusted over the light pine color so you can actually see a little of both.

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