Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Taste the Rainbow

As I said in my very first introduction post I've always learned by watching my Dad fiddle with projects in the garage and basement, but I also learned a lot from my Mom by watching her in the kitchen.  Though she doesn't do a lot of baking these days, and I often kid her about her pies (just call her Mrs. Smith) she did bake a lot when I was younger and living at home, and I remember very few meals that weren't made and eaten at home together.  So I do credit her to my curiosity in the kitchen.
Anyway, my favorite niece recently celebrated her 5th birthday and I was designated the cake baker for the party.  I knew exactly what I wanted to make which was nice, because usually decision making isn't my strong point.  The cake I chose for Chloe is a little wild just like her.  It is a two layer rainbow cake.  Here is where I got the idea/how to for the cake.  http://www.omnomicon.com/rainbowcake

The cake was fairly simple to make, which made me nervous that it may turn out more like a pile of craziness, but it didn't.  Sorry if that was a story spoiler, I'm not good at surprises or secrets.  Anyway, once you have the white cake batter made (you can use whatever recipe or box you like best) you separate it into 6 different bowls.  In the six bowls you mix in food coloring until you get your desired batter color.  For my cake I made a red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple bowl of batter.

Once your colors are what you are looking for you start pouring them into your prepared baking dish. As the website above suggested.  I poured a little of each color in the first dish, and then for the second dish I did the reverse order of the colors I poured in the first dish.   Here is a picture to help it make more sense.

Once this was done it was time to bake them, and hope for the best.  After they were baked and cooled I iced the cake, which is something I have no talent with so I opted for a simple buttercream icing recipe with a slight pink color just smeared on the whole thing.

Here is a picture of Chloe and my Mom.  We were celebrating her birthday also.  I made my Mom's cake as well but it was much less exciting (just a root beer float cake)  so it doesn't get it's own blog post. Once we cut into it the kids were quite impressed with the exciting inside, especially after seeing the less than exciting icing job I did.

It worked!  The cake was a big hit with the kids and it was quite tasty as well!


  1. Such a great idea! How did you pour the different layers in so evenly without they turning into one blob?

  2. Thanks Jessie! Pouring was easy, just a little bit of each color in the center of the dish. One right on top of the other. I tried to keep the amount of each color pretty equal, and I poured them slowly.

  3. This cake is amazing! Chloe must have been thrilled!
