Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Day 11 (January 21, 2014)

Today I'm thankful for having the opportunity to stay home with my sweet baby girl.  It is so fun to know her so well, and to be able to be a part of all the new things she learns.  Today I gave her some freeze dried mangos for a snack, and she started saying mango.  Something about the way she said mango with her sweet little voice just made me smile.  This evening she also entertained herself for probably 15 straight minutes putting "bracelets" on and off her arms while sitting down.  It was wild, she doesn't do one activity that long very often, and definitely does not sit still that long hardly ever.  It was just so cute to watch her get so into an activity.   She is such a fun, sweet, smart, and cute little girl. I'm so blessed to be with her every day!

Here she is getting ready to eat dinner with her "bracelets"

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