Thursday, January 16, 2014

Day 5 (January 15, 2014)

This post is a day late, but it is for obvious and good reasons not because I was lazy or forgot.  I haven't fallen off the path just yet.  Yesterday I was thankful for a family that I love dearly.  Michele, Jared, and baby Asher Tanz.  Asher was BORN yesterday, and I was able to be there helping his amazing parents through the labor and delivery process.  All I have to say is baby Asher is one lucky little boy, and Michele and Jared are so incredibly blessed to have baby Asher.  What an amazing experience it was to be able to help such a good friend of mine welcome her son into this world.

Here is what I have decided is my favorite picture of the day.  You can just see how much love is in this family.  Mommy and Daddy staring down at Asher, and Asher staring up at his Mommy and Daddy.  AMAZING!!!!

For a runner up, I really like this picture of Jared and I helping Michele labor.  Michele was so incredible through the entire process.

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