Saturday, January 25, 2014

Day 12 (January 22, 2014)

Today I'm thankful for big tractors!  They sure got the ball rolling on our house.  Today we officially broke ground on our new house.  The weather was actually decent (30's compared to teens and single digit temps) so Anna and I bundled up and were able to go to the lot before and after her nap to see things take shape.  The excavators John uses are awesome.  They really work hard and fast, and they are really good at what they do.  It was neat to watch them work for a little while today.  Our house is being built into our hill slightly, and that was neat to see them just clear out that section of trees, and overgrowth to dig out for our foundation there.

Here is the big tractor in action.  I can't imagine how long this would have taken back in the day when they didn't have these things.  I guess people didn't build homes quite as big then either.  Hmmm...just something to think about.

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