Saturday, January 11, 2014

Fall down, and get back up ;)

Maybe committing to a blog isn't really my thing.  My last published post was announcing that I was 12 weeks  pregnant with my now adorable almost 17 month old baby girl, Anna.  I still really enjoy reading blogs, and even think I could get the hang of blogging even though my first attempt was a complete flop.  Soooo...I'm going to start a 365 days of thanks type of blog right here where it all started.  I was inspired through this link which a friend of mine posted on Facebook.  I really didn't want this to be a New Year's Resolution.  I wanted to start it randomly.  I didn't want it to have specific rules or a timetable, but I do REALLY want to try hard to make a short  post each day about something I am thankful for.  I especially think it is going to be amazing to look back after a year of posts, and remember all the little things, and why they were important to me at that time.  I think that most of these future posts will be things that if they weren't documented in "real" time they would probably be lost in my memory.  So here it goes.  Wish me luck!

Today I'm thankful for the SUNSHINE!!!!  Last Sunday we were hit with the "polar vortex" and ended up with 10 -12 inches of snow.  The snow itself wouldn't have been so bad, but with it came subzero temperatures.  For someone who would rather never see the thermometer dip below 60 degrees our recent weather was a little scary.  

Anyway here is a quick iPhone picture of the bright sun shining through my neighbors big gum ball tree.  

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